November 26, 2008

The Spin Doctors Worked Over Time And Came Up With This For Nicole

Don’t be frightened by my face, I care, I care - Nicole Kidman at UNIFEM's Say No to Violence against Women Campaign
In the midst of promoting “Australia”, Nicole Kidman graciously found time to drop in at the UN yesterday to speak at a press conference to announce the results of UNIFEM’s Say No to Violence against Women campaign. OK she is a UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador, but her timing is impeccable.

Good work spin team! That should compensate nicely for Nicole’s train wreck interview on the David Letterman show and her preoccupied appearance at the “Australia” premiere on Monday night.

To firm up the caring, sharing Nicole image she is trying to portray, Nic wore her best peter pan collar dress complete with sensible shoes.

Is it a coincidence that Nicole shows up at the UN at the same time as the launch of the “Australia” movie in New York? It can only help. It’s pretty easy for her PR to call the organisers and let them know what dates work best for her schedule.

It’s hard not to be cynical, but come on give me a break!


  1. She is totally unhumanitarian in every way. How can you be when you are so plasticly fake! Let's face it they all want to be like St Angelina, but Ange really cares and is into her kids. This one has never even seen her kids (the adopted ones) for the last couple of years. We've all cottoned onto your holier than thou act. I just don't buy it.

  2. The dress is a bit Wednesday from Adam's Family or maybe it was Tuesday oh well whatever its boring dress and she looks about hundred!


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