March 1, 2009

Nicole Kidman Likes To Tease Us

Nicole Kidman & Hugh Jackman at the Australia Premiere in Japan

Yes she’s back to her tricksy ways. Always taunting us with the old “is she or isn’t she pregnant routine.” I’m talking about Nicole Kidman ofcourse.

Remember she gave us that spiel around the beginning of last year? One moment denying she was pregnant, in other instances cradling her stomach rather blatantly as if she was with child, all with a secret smile on her lips.

The press continually released confusing statements to the public as to the nature of Ms Kidman’s delicate condition, one moment pregnant, one moment not and her publicist routinely denied everything. It was puzzling but that’s the point – it kept us all interested.

And then once she had built up enough curiosity she finally broadcast to the world that yes, she was pregnant, or at least somebody was. On the unveiling of her news, she looked deliciously pleased with herself.

Is this what Nicole has got up her sleeve this time round?

She was photographed in Japan with an overly tanned Hugh Jackman doing a late flog of their movie “Australia.” You know the one that garnered the really bad reviews for Nicole. Besides the fact that the chignon on her head made her look about ninety, Nicole insisted on patting some non existent lump on her stomach as if she was pregnant. Now why would she do such a thing, if she wasn’t?

Naturally the press there for the event immediately alerted the world that she was pregnant. But Nicole, however, had her publicist deny the allegations. She may or may not continue to taunt us on whether she is or isn’t in the family way but really that isn’t the point. It’s just a good way of keeping the press engrossed in her.

And why do you suppose she is doing this? Isn’t it clear? Her career has all but been annihilated after her abysmal performance in “Australia.” She’s in the bad books, nobody wants to hire her and she needs a tactic to win over the public and Hollywood’s love again.

And now she’s got it. It worked superbly the first time around with Sunday Rose and now it’s going to work for her again. That baby angle is pure gold.

Whether she actually is or isn’t pregnant is irrelevant.

1 comment:

  1. She's always coming up with some dumbass scheme to fool the paps.


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