April 5, 2009

Madonna Is An Army Booted, Camouflage Suited Mum

Madonna In Her Don't Mess With Me Outfit In Malawi

Are we really all that surprised that Madonna’s adoption case was rejected?

Ok we are surprised. I mean come on, nobody, I mean nobody has dared to turn Madonna down, well at least nobody has before, but Malawi, where Madonna is attempting to adopt her second child, Mercy, from, did just that and left Madonna openmouthed, dumbfounded and momentarily gob smacked as to what to do next.

But really, did she even attempt to follow the guidelines of the adoption process of Malawi? Did she try to ingratiate herself with the locals? Did she come over all motherly and warm and fuzzy? Or did Madge just bamboozle herself into trying to get what she wants and when she wants it because the woman has the patience of an ant so things must move at her god damn super fast pace or get the hell out of her face.

Did she need to walk down the dusty streets of Malawi wearing a combination of laced up army boots, combat pants, ginormous sunnies and Heidi of the alps tied plaits. Just what the hell kind of mother type look was that? She looked like she was either ready for war or ready to start vogueing rather than cuddling her newly acquired daughter. If I was Mercy, I would be petrified too if my mother turned out to be an army sergeant and asked me to drop to my knees and do twenty push ups.

Maybe in New York that look is really common for mothers, but certainly not in the simple streets of Malawi where Madonna, her brood and a hurd of paparazzi stood out glaringly against the backdrop.

This story isn’t over ofcourse. Madonna will never leave anything without a good fight but the Malawi people must be glad at the very least that her fashion sense has left the country and they can rest their eyes on their beautiful landscape once again.


  1. She looks disgusting

  2. Come on she's having a bad year so far, give her a break


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