Kim Cattrall breathlessly revealed that a sequel to “Sex and the City” movie, will be going into production next year.
Cattrall, who played Samantha Jones in the HBO series and in the 2008 film, said in an interview on an UK show “Yes, there will be a sequel. We will do the sequel next summer.” Adding that it’s difficult to get everybody together due to their busy schedules.
However, Parker, the movie’s star and producer, raced to make a counter-announcement, dispelling hopes that the follow-up film is already in the works and subsequently, crushing any enthusiasm or excitement Kim Cattrall might have had in breaking the story.
She told Access Hollywood, “I’m thrilled to know Kim is excited but all the deals are not yet done. With ‘the wind on our heels,’ we hope to make it a reality.”
Kim, don’t you know, only SJP is allowed to break any stories regarding Sex & The City, you’re just the slutty sidekick in the show, whereas she is the Executive Producer and it’s in her resume that all announcements must be made by her and only her.
Know your place Kim because SJP certainly seems to.
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