November 17, 2008

A-Rod A-moving poet

When Madonna recently said A-Rod “has the heart of a poet trapped inside an insanely gorgeous body” it was truly nauseating but she wasn’t kidding. A-Rod has been writing some beautiful pieces to his lady friend and we have managed to get a hold of some of this sublime prose. His work is both touching and inspiring to the wannabee poet. Amateurs take note!

Ode to Madonna - Poem by A-Rod
Oh fair of face and taut of skin
You make me want to commit mortal sin
Your sinewy arms are so veined and brawny
You’re just some old bag but your muscular body makes me horny
Let us pray together at your altar of Kabbalah
I don’t know what they’re chanting about but I’ll drink their water
Will you make me your boyfriend so I can get famous?
Then people won’t think of me as just some ignoramus
So get up on the dance floor and sing la de dah dee
Coz you still got that lock granny and I certainly got the key

Alex Rodriguez and his mentor at a Charity Event At Miami Seaquarium

Here’s A-Rod with one of his mentors earlier this year.

Stay tuned for more A-Rod love sonnets very soon.


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