March 6, 2009

Katherine Heigl: The Anatomy of A Diva

Katherine Heigl at this year's People's Choice Awards, one award she felt she deserved to accept

She hasn’t been around all that long really when you think about it but it’s good to get in early with divaesque behaviour so that you can set yourself up in Hollywood as someone to be hated, don’t you think?

That’s what appears to be Katherine Heigl’s plan.

She has been causing some controversy on the set of her latest movie “Five Killers” for being “extremely unprofessional” making outrageous demands and doing a no show at meetings as she had more important stuff to get on with.

But this certainly isn’t the first time we are hearing this old chestnut. According to an extra on the set of “27 Dresses,” “Heigl reportedly refused to film any scenes until her pregnant assistant ran around and got her a Coke Zero. She refused to eat lunch next to anyone or have anyone speak to her once the cameras stopped rolling.”

“No one on the crew likes her,” an insider said.

“She has a sense of entitlement that is really off-putting,” another source learned. “Many directors that she’s worked with in the past do not want to work with her again.”

Heigl seemed to have a promising career in front of her or at least that’s how things were looking at the end of 2007, what with a successful gig on “Grey’s Anatomy” and starring in one of the top comedies of that year, “Knocked Up.” The girl had it all in the palm of her hand and was considered to be one of Hollywoods biggest rising stars.

Miss Heigl then started to believe her own hype and thats when things started to go horribly wrong.

In an interview in the January 08 issue of Vanity Fair, Katherine dissed the role that made her a star, calling Knocked Up “sexist” and then proceeded on to bash “Grey’s Anatomy.”

Then a few weeks before the 2008 Emmy nominations were publicised, Heigl dropped her major faux pax, she announced that she had withdrawn her name from consideration because she felt she hadn’t been given good enough material and didn’t think it was fair to the other potential nominees.

To say nobody was pleased was putting it mildly. That said, she wasn’t fired from the show and was forced to fulfil her contract.

Since that time, she has managed to keep her big mouth shut till now. The thing is, everyone knows a true diva will always have to come out at some time if they want to shine in their role.

We look forward to watching Miss Heigl’s next divaesque move, so much more interesting than her (yawn) film career.


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