Here’s Nicole Kidman & her fringed “handbag” at the "Australia" premiere in New York last night and I think it’s fair to say, Nic has finally lost the plot.
Firstly, let’s talk about the dress. I think she may have raided her nanna’s wardrobe with this glittery gold number. It’s so circa 1920’s and her senior citizen up-do just won’t do.
Nicole, what is with your fixation with looking so proper, genteel and nice? You look positively antique, You’re hardly genteel, and nice? Well, I think we know the answer to that one.
Nic & Keith continued knocking heads together as an expression of their intimacy whilst inexplicably she practically tongue kissed Hugh Jackman, whom she seems much more cosy with.

I also love how Nic has been seen of late sporting kitten heels. Keith must have been feeling insecure about his height standing next to her statuesque proportions so she has tried to lower herself whilst he has started to sport boots with Cuban stock heels to compensate. If Nicole is willing to do that for Keith, she really must love him like she loved Tom!
Nic seemed distracted and skittish all night. Nervous perhaps of either the cameras zooming in on her plastic fantastic or of the questions reporters were going to ask her – hard to say.
She was surrounded by her friends including Naomi Watts, there to prop up her fragile ego but was it working?
At one point, a reporter asked her what tourist attractions she would suggest to travellers to see when they were visiting Australia. This seemed to totally throw her after all she’s only used to talking about herself. She replied, “Sorry, my head’s spinning” and then proceeded to walk off leaving the reporter totally baffled. I suppose it was an outrageous question.
Still, not a good look for Nicole.
OK, Nic is probably weary because there’s been some shocking reviews specifically targeting Nicole’s acting skills but she is going to have to put on a brave (plastic) face if she wants to take the “Australia” roadshow to the world. Perhaps try acting.
Yeah your right Cocobytes she looks like a nanna! Botox never really helped. She could have had the best skincare products and had a few wrinkles and people would have said god she looks great, she aged really well like Helen Mirren or Diane Lane instead now she has become the laughing stock! She normally has good taste but that dress looks like something she found in the op shop it does not help her figure either. Maybe the botox is screwing with her mind! God help Australia! (the movie that is)