Here's Madonna attending the GUCCI Unicef Dinner at the Plaza in New York and I have to say she looks stunning, well her face does anyway.
OK she doesn’t actually look like Madonna at all, more like Veronica Lake or one of those old 1940’s movie stars, but stunning none the less. Her Extreme Makeover is at its loveliest stage now. She has defined cheekbones which she never had before, her fillers are all in the right places, her wrinkles have been zapped and her skin is of the finest china porcelain. Nice work.
It’s also possible a bit of indoor action with the A-Rod might have given her that little extra glow.
Mads is getting ready for the next phase in her multi-chaptered life. She has just come out of her shitty divorce with Guy Ritchie and she needs to look desirable to a man half her age. She also wants the public to know that she is not a granny but a fit, attractive, enviable woman.
OK we get it but can someone please explain the grass dress she has on. Yes we know its Louis Vuitton but even when you are a demi-god like Madonna, it doesn’t mean you can wear a dress that is a cross between a Hawaiian hula skirt and some of that instant grass you roll out and put on your garden.
Please explain.
Perharps she is trying to be environmentally friendly by wearing that outfit. But maybe not her face which seems to be very plastic of late. But yes agree with you Cocobytes she looks good post divorce.
ReplyDeleteShe's at the stage where her face still looks good, give it a few months, it will go into freakish botox mode - they all do.