In Jennifer Aniston’s article in the upcoming December Vogue magazine she is still discussing Angelina Jolie. Aniston says:
“I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss,"
“I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss,"
"That stuff about how she couldn’t wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool.”
Jennifer, listen up. Important Lesson – Don’t show Angelina how much you care, you are just giving her more power and you seem well, just so jealous. Yes we know Angelina was “uncool”, actually I can think of a better word than uncool, but we get the point. I know you want to bring her down, I mean who doesn’t, that woman needs to take a step down from her saintly throne for a while and smell the real world. But you don’t need to be the person trying to break her. I know you want to, I truly feel your pain but you need to move on.
It’s interesting these people that need to keep the discussion alive about their ex’es like Jennifer and Nicole Kidman long after they are divorced.
Is this because they feel they are just not an interesting read unless the discussion includes their A lister ex husbands in some capacity? Is the copy a bit more compelling and readable if their exes are mentioned in some way. Hmm ... could be a point really. Let’s face it, there probably wouldn’t be much copy if it the article was just on them.
She looks great, her body is sick! I am back on the Aniston camp now. Love the red dress!
ReplyDeleteLeast she is cool and held herself for so long and didn't need to tell the world her sob story until all these years. I hope you get that bun in the oven with john boy soon!