Madonna celebrated her 50th birthday with a coming of age party organised by her husband Guy Ritchie with her money, with strict instructions from Her Majesty about the songs to be played, the vegan food to be served, the birthday messages to be read and the people to be invited.
Outside of that he had full carte blanche to do as he wished.
Guy apparently made a speech at the party, which she wrote, declaring his love for Madonna and pledging his loyalty to their marriage.
Dressing in a style appropriate for her age, Madonna rocked up with black crotch skimming boots taking the place of pants, black sheer top revealing her veiny arms and setting the look off with her entire gold chain collection draped around her neck. She was beautifully trashbag.
She appeared upset that some of her friends didn’t turn up, namely Gwinnie and everyone else that she had fallen out with but instead tried to feign delight at turning half a century. She was probably thinking that she only a few hours left before she could go to the gym and work out on her beloved Stairmaster.
Sure enough there she was the next day at 8am going to the gym, with her juice and Evian water in hand.

Yeah must have been some great party that she could get up at the crack of dawn to do those few extra sit ups.
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