December 16, 2008

Guy Ritchie - No Longer A Penny Pinchin’ Geezer

Will you spare some change love?

The financial details of Madonna’s divorce settlement with ex husband Guy Ritchie has now been finalised and broadcast to the world which is apparently what people do these days.

Claims that Guy wasn’t after a penny of Madonna’s money, appear to be false.

Madonna, pissed that Ritchie was coming out the saint in the saga when he previously announced to all and sundry that the missus was only prepared to hand out her spare change, had her publicist, Liz Rozenberg, release a statement to the Associated Press to clear her name and ensure that her loyal subjects were in no doubt as to just who was helping who in the story.

Looks like Madonna will be parting with somewhere in the region of $76 million to $92 million to Ritchie. This amount includes the value of the couple’s country estate in Wiltshire as well as The Punchbowl, the pub in Mayfair both of which Ritchie wanted and will now be able to hang onto.

Combined estimated earnings of the couple sits at approximately $525 million, of which the vast majority belongs to Madonna and Ritchie only helping to top up the communal piggy bank with his measly $35 million.

Rosenberg went on to say “I’d assume it’s one of the largest payouts ever in a divorce settlement.”

Let’s just be clear on that point.

Whilst the financial details of the settlement have been sorted out, the custodial arrangements for their children are still being finalised. As it’s Madonna, this could take another six months to complete so she gets her way and presumably another press release announcement just so we are clear that she is by no means a bad mother.

Either way, looks like Guy is going to be staging one hell of a Xmas party this year.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah she is a tight arse but hey its her money and she worked hard for it! He is a gold digger and alway was otherwise why did her marry a granny? It can't have been for the sex? We all saw her Sex Book and it was hardly titilating.


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