Nauseating isn’t it? Not sure whose ego is bigger, but if size does matter then these two douches have egos ten times larger than their pea brains and any other working equipment they might own.
John Mayer seems more interested in sucking up to bestie, Pete Wentz, bass player from Fall Out Boy and husband of airhead Ashlee Simpson, than talking it up about latest squeeze Jennifer Aniston, even though she has really scraped the bottom of the compliment barrel to come up with some bullshit praise for his sad ass.
The story goes that as Wentz and band were being interviewed for the upcoming February issue of Blender magazine at The Beverly Hills Hotel, who should rock up right on cue but none other than boyfriend, John Mayer. Clearly, feeling media interest on him waning, Mayer felt it necessary to cut in on Wentz’ press time and thereby keep his own hype chugging along.
When asked about Wentz, Mayer’s perplexing response was,
“Pete has this fabulous meta-awareness.” “Some people mistake it for narcissism, but it’s really just his way of playing with the idea of ‘Pete Wentz.’ His genius is he’s always one step ahead.” Mayer also admires the way Wentz has navigated the perils of tabloid romance: “To have this beautiful relationship with someone who gets attacked so often, and to handle it with such grace and respect—I just find that really impressive.”
Firstly, can somebody explain what meta awareness is?
Secondly, why does John Mayer elevate Pete Wentz, (who in the same Blender interview says about Ashlee Simpson “I hunted her down and shot the dart in her,”) to the heights of being a genius?
Answer – because John Mayer who is in a parallel situation to Wentz with his own famous girlfriend Aniston, thinks he is a genius too and is actually referring to himself via the smoke screen of talking about Wentz. He couldn’t care less about Pete, I mean why would you? Mayer just wants the world to know that he is totally clever and shit hot and can come up with inspired words like “meta-awareness” that everyone is going to start using because it’s just so damn awesome.
I think in this instance, meta egomaniac is probably more suitable and even more awesome.
Click here to read story on Blender.
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