The Golden Globes were back this year after the Writers Strike of 2008 forced its cancellation. Hollywood breathed a collective sigh of relief that they could go back to the heady glamour and abundant excess that they were used to.
Humungous bottles of Moet champagne filled the tables, goody bags overflowed with cars and houses, countless lavish after parties were attended and everyone knew that life was sweet once again.
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association spared no expense in feting and fawning over the actors, actresses, producers, directors and writers who attended the glamorous spectacle at The Beverly Hilton because let’s face it they truly deserved it and the Hollywood Foreign Press who remain faceless and nameless are just glorified (and rich) fans of their idols.
Goody bags were provided as a thank you to each of the presenters for managing to mumble a minutes worth of speech and due to the fact that they only receive the minimum union payment for services rendered. This may not seem much for their efforts but it all counts to the usual 20 – 100 million celebrities earn for each movie they make.
The goody bags contained such items as flights, jewellery, designer clothes, watches, ipods and iphones and even though every one of those presenters could afford to buy these items themselves if not several of each, they all clamoured to get one just like the way people clamour to get the red spot specials at Kmart. That said, the difference this year was that a hefty tax was being put on the goody bags which presenters would be up for, no doubt a harrowing experience they would have to endure.
As the show began and dinner was served, actor after actor strode onto the space age stage to either present an award or accept one, all the while hurling superlatives about how good they were at what they did whilst the attentive crowd nodded their heads gravely as if what was being said on stage was somehow important and life changing.
Highlights & Lowlights
Slumdog Millionaire – Superb movie and fantastic to see it win all the awards it was up for especially for a film with an unknown cast.
Tina Fey – Very funny and totally deserving for her excellent work on 30 Rock. Hilarious speech too.
Kate Winslet – Went a little overboard with the deep breathing and the gushing over Leonardo DiCaprio during her acceptance speech but she seemed heartfelt enough.
Heath Ledger - The real genuine moment on the show was Heath Ledger’s win for Best Supporting Actor which earned a standing ovation by the crowd. Everyone seemed to be backing him and it was sad that he wasn’t there to accept his award for a superb performance.
Mickey Rourke – Once a gorgeous man, now his face is puffed and botoxed beyond recognition. That said his speech for Best Actor in A Drama was gutsy and real if not a bit boozy.
Sasha Baron Cohen – Irreverent as usual but the only person to reference the recession managed to shock Hollywood with his comments saying "This recession is affecting everyone, even celebrities. Victoria Beckham hasn't eaten for three weeks. Charlie Sheen has been forced to have sex without paying for it. It's true. And even Madonna has had to get rid of one of her personal assistants. Our thoughts go out to you Guy Ritchie." Super funny but naturally Hollywood was offended – perhaps they didn’t laugh because they didn’t know there was a recession.
Ricky Gervais – Continues to have a laugh at the expense of Hollywood – awesome.
The show finally wrapped up after much back slapping and air kissing and with no suggestion that the world financial crisis had affected these people in any way, they partied into the wee hours of the morning secure that the world (Hollywood) continued to be a beautiful place.
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