February 3, 2009

Madonna Still Worships Jesus

Madonna and Jesus Luz in New York City

She might be a Kabbalist these days, but Madonna still loves Jesus.

Jesus Luz that is, and by all accounts, it looks as if their “ficando” relationship (Portuguese for friends with benefits) is still going strong.

Madonna, 50, met the 22 year old Brazilian model during a shoot for W magazine in Rio De Janeiro and was so impressed by his total hotness that she invited him to join her on her Sticky & Sweet tour through Sao Paulo, not as a backup dancer but to provide some friendship backstage.

However, it looks like he might be more than just a tour whore.

The couple were seen last Sunday leaving Italian restaurant, Nero D’avola in NY together with Madge’s children, 12 year old Lourdes Leon and three year old David Banda before taking in a spot of shopping.

Rocco Ritchie was nowhere to be seen, he was possibly with Guy Ritchie who is currently also in New York visiting his children.

Madonna’s love life doesn’t seem to be slowing down now that she has reached the ripe old age of fifty. Far from it, seeming more like the Madonna Maneater of the eighties, her old form is back again, after her marriage to Guy Ritchie ended last November.

Only two weeks ago she was spotted with A-Rod at a get together at Jerry Seinfeld’s Hampton home.

More power to you Madge!


  1. Oh my god she should be embarrased of herself, she looks positively ancient with such a young guy.

  2. He is hot and very Jesus like (the real one)
    Likely to get bored of her demands.
    I think she is looking for a good tme


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