The Cruises. They’re strange aren’t they or is that stating the bleeding obvious.
They look shiny perfect and expensive, and no hair is ever out of place, yet there is something peculiar & odd about them. Particularly Tom.
Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise touched down at Narita airport in Japan on Sunday and as expected, hordes of fans were waiting for their arrival. Tom is still flogging “Valkyrie” to the peoples and he dragged Katie and Suri along to ensure maximum publicity for his movie.
Katie is apparently taking a break from filming her current movie, “The Extra Man,” or did Tom organise her "break" so that she could accompany him?
Even after the long flight, the Cruises had their white toothy smiles in place, actually just Tom did, Katie wasn’t willing to go that far to help his cause. She had the look of someone who couldn’t wait to get to her hotel room and have a long nap.
Their clothes were beautiful and Suri as always, was dressed ridiculously for a child who has just been on a flight – in a bright red dress with a tiny white cardigan. Hardly practical clothes for a kid.
The Cruises should take a page out of Brangelina’s book who arrived at the same airport with the children dressed sensibly for the flight a month ago. But then maybe only Brangelina can get away with dressing normally, they would still cause a riot no matter where they travelled to and what they wore.
The Cruises on the other hand need to ensure they stand out for maximum impact and press coverage, after all there’s a movie to be promoted and god forbid that they should be ignored.
This is too funny, they are robots!!