April 3, 2009

Hello Sailor – John Mayer Gets His Sea Legs Out On Display

John Mayer dressed as a sailor on board the Mayercraft cruise liner

John Mayer gets stranger by the day. Gone are the smouldering, brooding singer, guitarist days of yore. Ok he can turn that on if he wants to, but clearly he doesn’t want to anymore.

He thinks he is some sort of super funny comedian now and he is pulling all the stops out to channel this new found supposed talent. It’s not a good look for him and more to the point, he’s really not funny.

Somewhere along the line someone said to him, hey dude, you are like really funny and you know that saying don’t believe the hype? Well you guessed it, he believed that shit.

Here he is on the Mayercraft, a 3 day gay old cruise to Mexico that Mayer hosted for his sycophantic attendees and entertained them with his music, comedy and antics including debuting a song called “Heartbreak Warfare” which left people wondering if it was about Jennifer Aniston, declaring in a comedy sketch that he had got it on with Perez Hilton and alluding to partaking in a bit of gayness on the side in a bid to be witty and risqué as well as showcasing his very long legs in this miniscule naval ensemble.

Ok it has to be said John Mayer is extremely good looking but he is going out of his way to damage his image and alienate his audience by acting like a total fool. The song “Daughters” is never going to be the same for me again when all I can picture is Mayer in those ludicrous shorts.

Ok the whole thing is mildly amusing but it just reeks of arrogant famewhoring.

At least we know one thing for sure, he’s not the next Sasha Baron Cohen.


  1. God he is so desperate and such a wannabee star

  2. He doesnt seem to be getting as much publicity now that he isnt with Jen - he must hate that!


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